Wednesday, October 16, 2013

I know I'm no illustrator

Today I sat with pencil and paper trying to draw someone who is the main character of the book. Someone I know so well but have not seen for many years. Someone whom I love so much and will always love for the rest of my life. My Dad. I'm not the best at drawing even though I do enjoy it, and I've not practiced for some time.  
I can't describe how I feel at at the moment.  I just wish more than anything that I could take a photo of him rather than trying to draw him with wings.  This is going to be a tough journey! 

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Quite please!

Thought a little research would be a good idea so I'm in the quite room of the local library. Odd to think that libraries these days have quite rooms. I did, however, find some interesting titles, aurthors, illustrators, and publishers who have similar books out.....not the same, but a similar subject. 
I'm learning that there's more than one way to write and publish a children's book. The old fashioned, more expensive, time consuming and professional way is to send your book without pictures to a publisher and if they like it they match you up with an illustrator. Then there's the quick and easy, unprofessional 2013 version of book writing and publishing which is to have an online company such as Amazon make your book....not sure how you sort out an illustrator with this option.   
I guess I have a while to figure it out since only the first line of my story has been written ;-)

Not sure what I'm doing...

A new page....a blank page.... with such potential, eagerly waiting with cursor flashing as my four year old draws space shuttles on a piece of copy paper.  Have you ever noticed how a child can pick up a blank piece of paper and immediately the pencil starts moving.  They don't seem to sit and stare and wonder what others may think of their space shuttle.  Is it too big?  Too yellow?  Too silly?  They just draw.  I could learn a lot from that.
And I'm going to try.  Two people came up with the idea of my new project.  Being very self critical I'm not sure how far it will go.  I dream of seeing our work, the idea, on a shelf in a bookstore.  Not for fame or fortune but just to say "I did it.  The dream came true!".
So we'll see what I can do with this flashing cursor and blank page staring at me and start thinking about my potential, and not the paper's!